Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Linux Utils

Close connection or login in terminal
Ctrl + D
Show Printer Queue
# lpq
Show Disk Quota
# quota
Show free space in disk
# df -h -T
Show total disk space used in the current directory
# du -ch | grep total
Show disk space used by files in the current directory ordered by size
# du -ah | sort -n
Web Browser in text/console mode
# links
Generate text file from a Man Page
#man foo | col -b > foo.txt
Show only executable files in the current directory
#ls $(file * | grep ELF | cut -d: -f 1)
Multipart compression using Tar

# tar -c -M -L 1000 -f parte-01.tar -f part-02.tar -f part-03.tar arquivo.iso
# tar -x -M -f parte-01.tar -f part-02.tar -f part-03.tar
Change Print priority


Take a look in the print requests IDS you  want to change priority.

# lpstat

Change the priority of the print request.

# lp -i request-id -H change-priority

Join PDF files using GhostScript
# gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=finished.pdf file1.pdf file2.pdf
Remove/Cut margins out of a PDF files
# pdfcrop --margins 10 input.pdf output.pdf
# pdfcrop --margins '5 10 5 20' --clip input.pdf output.pdf
Mount ISO/Disk Image
sudo mkdir /mnt/disk
sudo mount -o loop imagem.iso /mnt/disk
Search string using Vi, Less and Man pages

start searching string : / 
repeat last search: n

Play DVD from ISO/Disk Image using Mplayer

# mplayer dvd://1 -dvd-device imagem.iso

PS: 1 refers to the first title in disk

Search files that contains a string

grep -slir "text to find" *

grep -H -n  "text" *

The -l make it to only show file names where occurences of the string exists (instead of showing each line where the string appears), the -i make search  case insesitive, and the -r force recursive search in subdirectories.

The -n - Prefix each line of output with the 1-based line number within its input file.
The -s -  Suppress error messages about nonexistent or unreadable files
The -H - Print the file name for each match.
The -I  skip binary files

Running the Filezilla trough a ssh tunnel (FTP GUI through ssh)

To access a server in the network through a gateway, start connecting to the gateway using a ssh tunnel with the option -D
ssh -D 1024 nome_usuario@gate.ifi.unicamp.br

After that in Filezilla
click in menu editar> Configurações
click in proxy genérico

input  socks 5
in Host de proxy colocar localhost
in Porta de proxy colocar 1024
now go the menu Arquivo>Gerenciador de sites
Criar um novo site
colocar o host neste exemplo quero acessar arquivo da maquina ams na rede ifi.unicamp.br
Host= ams.ifi.unicamp.br
Tipo de Servidor= SFTP
Usuario= nome_de_usuario
Senha=senha de_usuario
clicar em OK

Este é o passo manual agora vai o script que executa tudo (Deve se ter o Site Criado neste exemplo o nome sera IFGWSITE)

gnome-terminal -x bash -c "ssh -D 1024 trmasaki@gate.ifi.unicamp.br"

sleep 7
filezilla -c "0/IFGWSITE"

Copy and Paste in Vi

press the key v to start selecting
move the cursor to the end of the text you want to, and then press d to cut
or press y to copy

press p to paste

programs for terminal

cmus e mpd: to play musicc
mc: to navigate in files
gpm: to use the mouse
screen: to have multiple screens in the same terminal, and to keep sessions runnig after disconnecting
screen-profile: to choose screen profiles in ubuntu

Connect to Wi-fi/Wireless using command line

$ sudo iwlist eth1 scan
$ sudo iwconfig eth1 essid "bestcoffee"
$ sudo dhclient eth1

$ sudo iwconfig eth1 essid any # any is a keyword, not the name of an ESSID.

$ sudo iwconfig eth1 key s:password # translates to the hex for me.
$ sudo iwconfig eth1 key ACDB-1234-1234-EFG2

Log in  ssh an reopen screen
ssh -t raXXXXXX@ssh.students.ic.unicamp.br screen -RR

Open remote files in emacs (http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Remote-Files.html)

C-x C-f

/ssh:raXXXXXX@ssh.students.ic.unicamp.br: [enter]
para navegar nas pastas.

Execute the .bashrc file

. ~/.bashrc


source . ~/.bashrc

Turn off  the computer after executing a processs
Give permission to turn off the pc, by non-root user
chmod u+s /sbin/halt
chmod u+s /sbin/reboot


wait $p1

Another Example:

# wget http://www.uol.com.br/jogo.zip
[Ctrl + z]
# bg
# ps
5876 pts/0 00:00:00 bash
11415 pts/0 00:00:00 wget
# wait 11415; halt

Go back to previous directory
/home/masaki/Documentos# cd /usr/src/linux
/usr/src/linux# cd -
/home/masaki/Documentos# pwd

Multiple window Terminal for Gnome

You can track the latest stable release by adding the following to /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/gnome-terminator/ubuntu intrepid main restricted universe multiverse
Then run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install terminator.
Split window Ctrl+Shift+o , Ctrl+Shift+e
Switch windows Alt+esq,Alt+dir,Alt+cima,Alt+baixo.

Auto completion in Vi and Emacs
Ctrl+n  in Vi
Alt + /  in Emacs
Compare contents of directories
vimdiff <(ls ) <(ls )

To close vimdiff

Get the Pid of a process by the name
kill -USR1 `pidof Xephyr`

Create parent directories recursirvely

. ..
mkdir -p a/b/c/d
find .

How to dowload a whole full web site from terminal

wget -nd -r -l1 http://www.uol.com.br/blabal

-nd: para nao criar subdiretorios (ex. não www/uol/com/br/blabla/arquivos e sim /arquivos)
-r: baixar todos os arquivos da paginas e seguir links
-l1: não seguir mais que um nivel na recursao de links

Log in  text mode (Ctrl+Alt+F1), and start another Xwindow sesion

xinit -- :1

No terminal de segurança

$ mkdir /tmp/seu_login
$ HOME=/tmp/seu_login
$ startkde

Real Transparency Real with Compiz
Va em Gerenciador de configuracoes do CompizConfig
Clique em Opacidade, Brilho e Saturacao
Ai em Definicoes especificas de janelas adicione as seguintes janelas

popupmenu | 70 = Menu do botao direito
dropdownmenu | 84 = Menu do Gnome
yakuake | 56 = Yakuake Terminal Estilo Quake (Esta dica é para ter o yakuake transparente no Gnome, no KDE ja funciona normalmente)

feito isto edite o perfil para transparencia do yakuake desejada.

##echo "Seja Bem Vindo $USER"
alias ls='ls -CF --color'

Encontrar arquivos

find / -size +20480000c -exec du -h {} \;

find / -type f -size +20000k -exec ls -lh {} \; | awk '{ print $9 ": " $5 }' 
find /path -size +1048576 -exec ll {} \; 
find {/path/to/directory/} -type f -size +{size-in-kb}k -exec ls -lh {} \; | awk '{ print $9 ": " $5 }' 
$ find . -type f -size +50000k -exec ls -lh {} \; | awk '{ print $9 ": " $5 }' 
find {/path/to/directory} -type f -size +{file-size-in-kb}k -exec ls -lh {} \; | awk '{ print $8 ": " $5 }' 
find . -type f -size +10000k -exec ls -lh {} \; | awk '{ print $8 ": " $5 }' 
find $HOME -size -500b 
The 10 bigger files in directory
$ ls -lS | head +10  
$ ls -lSr | tail -10

SSH tunnel
 ssh -f <user>@<middle-machine> -L <locahost-port>:<destination-machine>:<destination-port> -N

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